Lecompton won!
Thanks to all of our fans and supporters, the small town of Lecompton was voted as a “best small town in Kansas!” A total of five towns received this prestigious honor.
The designation was determined by a contest led by KANSAS! Magazine. The contest, which took place last Spring, had readers of the magazine and the public at-large vote on their favorite best small town in Kansas. The names of the winning towns were officially made public when the Winter edition of KANSAS! Magazine was delivered on November 12, 2016. Lecompton has the smallest population, 640, of the five towns receiving the honor. To be considered a small town in the contest, the population had to be 5000 or less. KANSAS! Magazine is published quarterly by the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism. (For subscription information: 800-678-6424, [email protected], www.KansasMag.com)
But of course, those who live in Lecompton and those who have visited already believed that we are a best small town in Kansas. The contest just confirmed it! The Lecompton Historical Society encouraged the community and members to vote during the contest, sending fliers and information across the nation. Facebook posts on our Historic Lecompton page reminded our friends to vote daily. Douglas County Commissioners passed a resolution urging all of Douglas County, Kansas to vote for Lecompton in the contest.
Come to Lecompton, Kansas: Perfect for a day-trip destination.
Meet your friends and family here and enjoy our great town! We’ve got two museums, two eateries, nice shops, and no stoplights. Tour, Shop, Eat in Lecompton!
learn our nation-changing history with two award-winning museums: the Territorial Capital Museum and Constitution Hall.

Constitution Hall in Lecompton, Kansas. Birthplace of the Lecompton Constitution.

Territorial Capital Museum in Lecompton, Kansas. This is the location of where the construction of the original Capitol building was started, later finished as Lane University.
Enjoy our Walking Tour to find out interesting historic spots in town, like where our hotels used to be during territorial times!
the quaint stores in Lecompton are perfect for finding that one-of-a-kind gift!

Claymama’s and other shops and services in Lecompton’s downtown area on Elmore Street.

Both museums in Lecompton have an excellent selection of gifts and souvenirs.
Two delicious places to eat!
There are LOTS of things to do in Lecompton, Kansas!
Thank you to KANSAS! Magazine and their entire staff for having a wonderful magazine promoting the great state of Kansas.

Winter 2016 edition of KANSAS! Magazine

Article on Lecompton: One of the best small towns in Kansas!

Kids from Lecompton Elementary are featured!