Vol. 48 / No. 1 / Spring
- Civil War Order No. 11
- Top 9 Events that Led to the Civil War
- Copy of New York Herald Announces Lincoln Assassination
- Windsor Hotel Photo
- Obits: Thomas H Carver, Gloria Marie Leonhard, Beverly B Van Dyke
Vol. 48 / No. 2 / Summer
- Lincolns Across America
- Little Brown Jug School
- Martin Van Buren Jackson and the Pottawatomie Massacre by Grady Atwater
- LHS Reunion
- Obits: Ruby May Eichman, Dale Faust,
Vol. 48 / No. 3 / Fall
- 40th Anniversary of the Territorial Capital Museum
- Church Memorabilia
- Charles Plumb and the Hanoi Hilton
- Stull Church Fire
- Osher Institute in Lecompton
- Obits: Bernice McMahon, Erma Lea Worley, Amelia J Hagen, Margery Carol Singer, Deanna J. Posik, Vincent A. Digennaro, Amy H Bowlin, Connie Stilson
Vol. 48 / No. 4 / Winter
- Lincoln Scholars Visit Lecompton
- St. Peters Church
- Lucas vs Lecompton, 1969 Regional Playoff
- John Calhoun's Descendant's visit Lecompton
- Obits: Larry Hunter, Connie Stilson, Erma Lorene Maxwell, John Howard Duncan, John DeWayne Powell, Joyce E McDaneld
Vol. Vol. 47 / No. No. 1 / Spring
- Axalla Hoole's letter from Douglas, Ks 1857
- Lecompton Telephone History
- PLHS Football
- Obits: Mark, Richer, Mary Kathleen Schneider, Marion Opal Goodrick, Mary Alice James, Daniel Winter
Vol. Vol. 47 / No. No. 2 / Summer
- "Resilience" Mural
- 1951 Flood
- Anti Lecompton Cartoons
- Obits: William Raybern, June Kathleen Pearl Windscheffel, Alta Rosalie Walter, Louise Norwood, Virgil Lee
Vol. Vol. 47 / No. 3 / Fall
- Fox 4's Zip Trip to Lecompton
- 1913 Harley Davidson
- Lecompton Constitution and Lincoln Douglas Debates
- Old Lecompton photo
- Ferry to Rising Sun
- 1900's ball and chain
- Obits: Lois Jean Branton, Robert L Weeks, Gary Lee Stauffer, Carl Borghardt, Marjorie Ruth Schmitt
Vol. 47 / No. 4 / Winter
- Lecompton, Kansas: Charming Town with Historic Landmarks by Vanessa Whiteside
- Obits: Jacob Plants
Vol. 46 / No. 1 / Spring
- Thomas W. Barber
- Ruben A. Lopez
- PLHS Senior Football 2019-2020
- LHS Classes Honored: 1910,20,30,40,50,60,70
- Military Heroes: Harold E Hudson
- Obituaries: Irene L. Condley, Marlene E. Hackathorn, William L. Leslie
Vol. 46 / No. 2 / Summer
- Closure During Covid
- Former George L Glenn Home Burne
- Three Dollar Bill
- Kuhlman Home Nominated as National Historic Home
- Ellen Duncan
- Obituaries: Debra Davis, Dola Nelson, Larry H James, Carolyn S, Curran, Eldson L Mrstik
Vol. 46 / No. 3 / Fall
- Lecompton as Territorial Capitol of Kansas
- Presidents and Lecompton
- Marvin "Buddy" Kellum and LHS teammates
- Private Kirby Rogers, WWI
- Thomas Lee Hardware Store
- Photo: UB Church Photo 1911
- Obituaries: Doris Weeks, Nelda L Hodson, James H Vestal, Jr., Howard Hildenbrand, Terry L Stilson
Vol. 46 / No. 4 / Winter
- Lecompton's Role in Kansas Statehood
- Tim Rues Honored
- Albert G. Boone
- Obituaries: Maynard G Person, Ruth M Corzette, Katherine Flood, Larry L Purdie
Vol. 45 / No. 1 / Spring
- William Sherrard and Gov. Geary
- New Books that Recognize the Importance of Lecompton in US History
- Obituaries: WULFKUHLE, Horst; NEIL, Dorothy "Dottie Jean (LaDuke); Packer, Paul W.; DULIN, Robert Otis, Jr.; HUDSON, Harold E. Eddie., Jr.
Vol. 45 / No. 2 / Summer
- Update in Winter School
- FDR's Secretary of War and Kansas's 25th Governor Address Lecompton Commencement in 1941
- 2019 Territorial Day Programs
- Lecompton High School Class of 1969
- OBITUARIES: Spencer, Jeanette Mae (Hartman); ANDERSON, Peter Alden; Bahnmaier, John Keith; PERKINS, David Robert; PERKINS, Betty Jo (Wilson)
Vol. 45 / No. 3 / Fall
- Lecompton's Eisenhower Connection
- Lecompton's Quantrill's Raid Connection: Klaus and O'Neil families
- Mrs. Gertrude Hoad remembers Quantrill's Raid
- Lecompton High School Memories
- Noe family Sequicentennial farm recognition
- OBITUARIES: Stauffer, Carolyn J. (Foster); Harrison, Sondra Lee "Soni" (Wizer); PASLAY, Carl William.
Vol. 45 / No. 4 / Winter
- Governor's Tourism Award
- Impact of Quantrill's Raid on James O'Neill Family
- OBITUARIES: Boydson, Zella Vesta "Sally" (Wilson); MORRIS, Robert "Bob" Howard
- Bleeding Kansas Program Series 2020
Vol. 44 / No. 1 / Spring
- Mark Vincent Migliario Homestead
- Lecompton Alumni Banquet 2018
- Howard and Ellen Duncan
- Don McAfee Barb Wire Display
- Big Springs Businesses over the years
- Obituaries: McAlexander, Lura Irene; Kasson, Karen Kay; Stauffer. Betty Joyce; Hildenbrand, Margie Rose; Confer-Jensen, Evelyn Mae
Vol. 44 / No. 3 / Fall
- Lecompton Best Location for Kansas Capital in 1855
- Robert Stevens, Attorney in Early Lecompton 1857
- Vote on the English Bill in 1858
- 2018 Lecompton High School Alumni Banquet
- Obituaries: VAUSBINDER, Charles Herbert Jr.; SHAFFER, Edna Martha (Schaefer); STEVENS, Robert Croll Stevens; McCONNELL, Richard; WOOD, Hayden Keith
Vol. 44 / No. 4 / Winter
- Lecompton blog by Beth Reiber
- Obituaries: SIMMONS, Arloene M. "Arlie" (Dekat); HOWARD, Lenwood James; LESLIE, Betty L. (Webber); DUNNAWAY Ananora "Ann" (Shields); MATHEWS, George Herbert.
- Fight over the Lecompton Constitution
- Frank Leslie's Lecompton: National Obsession
Vol. 44 / No. 2 / Summer
- Lecompton Almost Became the Site of the Kansas Penitentiary in 1858
- Anti-Lecompton Mass Meeting 1858
- Annexation of part of Nebraska into Kansas Territory
- Lecompton High School class of 1968
- Obituaries: RIST, Lottie Irene; COLTON, Darrel Francis; GREEN, Marilyn Mae (Bahnmaier-Etchison)
Vol. 43 / No. 1 / Spring
- Happy 135th Birthday to the Lane University Building
- Marv Kellum Highlighted in Wichita Eagle
- Letter from Coach Nelson
- Obituaries: Elaine (Barr) Wilson, William Sayler, Virginia (Richards) Rainbolt, Marvin Maydew, Julia (Ice) Hill, Charles Wright
Vol. 43 / No. 2 / Summer
- Lecompton Constitution is 160 Years Old
- World War One Participants from Lecompton, Big Springs, Stull and Kanwaka
- Spanish Influenza Pandemic during World War One
- Clarence Smith, Beloved Teacher and World War One Veteran.
- 1867 Earthquake
- Vicki Leochner Retires
- Historic LaDuke Farmhouse Rehabilitation
- Obituaries: Earle Kasson, Richard Traxler, Thomas Rainbolt, Emil Heck, Jr.
Vol. 43 / No. 3 / Fall
- World War One Exhibit
- Grover Hoch-Wald Tuberculosis Ranch
- Redemption City
- Timeline of the Lecompton Constitution
- 1919 Red Cross Pin
- Obituaries: Dorothea Kline, Duane Wyatt, Sr., Elizabeth (Quigley) Heck, Willa (Kline) Grandstaff Norwood.
Vol. 43 / No. 4 / Winter
- Mayors of Lecompton
- Radical United Brethren Church
- Lecompton Territorial Legislature Walnut Desk
- Obituaries: Ed Turner, Norma (Cree) Walter, Lila (Baughman) Dionne, Larry Plumb, Marvin Hartman, Donald McAfee, Dorothy (Montgomery) Bower, Melvin Dark.
Vol. 42 / No. 1 / Spring
- George Vitus Noe Escorted Governor Charles Robinson to Camp Sackett in 1856
- Hallowed Walls of Constitution Hall
- Big Springs United Methodist Church,
- Obituaries: Mason Brunton, Capt. Donald Fuston, Richard Werts, Calvin Kreipe, Dorothy (Checksfield) Smith.
Vol. 42 / No. 2 / Summer
- The Poem that Saved Constitution Hall by Opal Goodrick
- Volunteers Ruth Ice and Donna Koepp
- Obituaries: Gilbert Bates, Harriet (Reisner) Harwood, Kathleen (McBride) Hall.
Vol. 42 / No. 3 / Fall
- Reenactment of the Battle of Fort Titus
- Obituaries: Robert Sulzen, Nancy (Morris) Howard.
Vol. 42 / No. 4 / Winter
- Lecompton Wins a “Best Small Town in Kansas” award
- Christmas in Lecompton Exhibit 2016
- Kaw River
- Lecompton Ads in 1858 Newspaper
- Obituaries: Dennis Hetrick, Martin Long, Lola Jean (Oberhelman) Lyne, James “Bud” Banks, Georgiiiiiiia (Spencer), Wingfield, Anna Mae (Weeks) Hibner, Early L. Lewis, Helen (Hodson) Bates, Gerald Ice.
Vol. 41 / No. 1 / Spring
- Story behind the Slogan on the Lecompton Mug
- Inventory Project at the Territorial Capital Museum
- Obituaries: Helen (Connole) Horton, Edna (Horton) Walter, Dean “Smokey” Chiles, Wayne Stover, Dale Gregg, Mildred (Chiles) Lester, Jorg Stockinger, Norma Jean (Svoboda) Hamrick
Vol. 41 / No. 3 / Fall
- Tim Rues Celebrates 20 Years in Lecompton
- Oklahoma Travel Writer Visits Lecompton
- Governor Walker’s Inaugural Address 1857
- Lecompton Quilts
- Territorial Day 1910
- Obituaries: Howard Sanford, Maurice Wustefeld, Grace (Kellogg) Melton, Doris (Holloway) Sindt, Otto Spurny, M. D., G. Kathryn (Dennon) Spurny.
Vol. 41 / No. 4 / Winter
- Queen Victoria, Russian Czar and Other World Leaders Read About Lecompton in Newspapers.
- Victorian, Vintage, Themed Christmas Display
- NFL Honors Buddy Kellum of Lecompton
- 1941 Letter to Sehon family from Dana Bartlett, Lane University graduate.
- Obituaries: Darlene (Carter) Steinman Paslay, Victorine (Barland) Vetter, Marquita “Mark” (Pickel) Christy.
Vol. 41 / No. 2 / Summer
Vol. 41 / No. 2 / Summer
- School and Museum Project
- Anti Lecompton Party
- Thomas Barber
- Obits: Peter D Hanson, Carol M Francis, Warren J Hartman, Florence E Kreipe, Elaine Taylor, Robert Fleming
Vol. 40 / No. 1 / Spring
- Professor Chen and KU Journalism Class promoting visibility for Lecompton
- House Resolution Recognizes 155th Anniversary of House Rejection of Lecompton Constitution
- One of a Kind Map Collection at Territorial Capital Museum
- Obits: Virginia “Ginger” Marshall Rothwell, Alva John Pletcher, Edward Cook, Judith Ann Hoage, Corrine L Fleming Childs, Irene Elaine Kibbee Dark, Edna Florence Chiles
Vol. 40 / No. 2 / Summer
- George Caleb Bingham’s “order No. 11” painting
- Gieseman Map Collection
- Women Mayors of Lecompton
- Obituaries: Paul Garber, Carl Eugene Silvers, Lillian Ruth Stauffer, Bill Hodson, Allen K “AK” Winter, Anita Smith.
Vol. 40 / No. 3 / Fall
- Famous Floor Brawl on the floor of the US House of Representatives
- Proposed Annexation of Nebraska south of the Platte River
- PLHS Baseball Enjoys Banner Season
- Obituaries: Hazel (Glenn) Barger, Leatha Rose (Glenn) Cook, Helen (Banks) Crady, Larry Reace Stephens.
Vol. 40 / No. 4 / Winter
- Professors of Ohio State visit Lecompton
- History of Christmas Trees and Ornaments
- Obituaries: Larry Sumner, Shirley (Holderman) Funk, Dianna (Nichols) Meier, Esther (Moss) Wulfkuhle, Pauline (O’Hara) Lasswell, Michael Adams, Covert “Red” Cranwell
Vol. 39 / No. 1 / Spring
- Historic Landmark Burns: Glenn Schoolhouse
- 1892 Jail Dedication
- New York Times article about Lecompton
- Obits: Elizabeth Traxler Norris, Dorothy E Shaner, Leo Joseph Anderson, Larry L Gates, Bill Edward Garrett, Johnny “Buffalo” Trammel
Vol. 39 / No. 2 / Summer
- Original Tombstone of Sheriff Samuel J Jones Comes to Lecompton
- Obits: Betty Lou (Damm) Carothers, Glenn Kirk Henry, James Franklin Chiles, Winton Allen Winter, Ula (Bates) Armstrong, Mary Maxine Maust Fowler
Vol. 39 / No. 3 / Fall
- City Jail and Sheriff Jones Tombstone Dedicated
- Final Defeat of Lecompton Constitution
- Obits: Marvin Eugene Grandstaff, Jean Curfman Cozad, Thomas Chester Skinner
Vol. 39 / No. 4 / Winter
- John Calhoun Painting Donated
- Pro and Anti Lecompton Rallies held throughout the United States, 1857 and 1858
- Obits: Richard C. Walter, George Edward Yost, H Justine Curry.
Vol. 38 / No. 2 / Summer
- Battle of Ft. Titus: 1st battle with casualties between free state and pro slavery men
- Obits: Corwin Everett Sperry, Margaret Colman Wuflfkuhllle, Rev. Paul H Kapp, Margaret H Wizer
Vol. 38 / No. 3 / Fall
- Current Events: Berry Plastics
- Obits: Gladine Shirley Marshalick, Joseph Saylor Stauffer, William E Van Dyke, Dianna Marie Grandstaff
Vol. 38 / No. 4 / Winter
- Lecompton Rural High School
- Relocation and Restoration of the 1892 City Jail
- Christmas at Lecompton 1876
- Obits: Fred Shipman Winter, Martha “Joann” Cook, Delmar Joseph Barland, Herbert L Rogers, Alden E “Wally” Holderman
Vol. 37 / No. 1 / Spring
- The most infamous floor brawl in the history of the US House of Representatives 1958
- Lecompton “Quiz”
- The Governor’s Mansion in 1856
- Obits: Raymond Schimmel, Norman Earl Redford, Henrietta Anderson, Elizabeth Josephine Brune, Bonnie Kathleen King, Irene A Anno, Alvin E Daniels
Vol. 37 / No. 2 / Summer
- Gov. Brownback proclaims June 19-25 as Lecompton Territorial Days
- Veterans’ Monument Dedication
- Obits: Marjorie E Endsley
Vol. 37 / No. 3 / Fall
- Lecompton Post Office Slated for Closure
- Veterans’ Memorial Dedication
- NYC Institute Selects Lecompton for Lincoln Exhibit
- Obits: Winifred A Howley, Earl G Glenn, Larry Duane Sanford, Willis M Horton, Irma Maxine Dark
Vol. 37 / No. 4 / Winter
- Lincoln Looks West to Kansas
- Early Cemeteries Near Lecompton
- 1859 Lecompton: The KT Town Most Likely to Succeed
- Lawyers of Old Lecompton
- Obits: Francis L “Sonny” Foley
Vol. 37 / No. 4 / Winter
Vol. 37 / No. 4 / Winter
- Lincoln Looks West to Kansas
- Early Cemeteries Near Lecompton
- Obits: Francis L. Foley
Vol. 36 / No. 1 / Spring
- Lincoln, Lecompton, Leavenworth, New York.
- Lincoln’s Cooper Union Speech, 1860
- Lincoln’s Leavenworth Speech, 1859
- Lecompton Census 1860
- Lecompton High School Football Teams: 1959, 1965
- Obits: Kathleen Lynn Finn, Ross E Wulfkuhle, Bernard Eugene Fordice, Walter Lester Stauffer, Katherine E Johanning, Gloria Mae Baugher Ward.
Vol. 36 / No. 2 / Summer
- Dwight Eisenhower’s Parents
- Bleeding Kansas Lecture Series
- Obits: Carl John Peterson, Letha L Wulfkuhle, Robert A Carson, Martha Louise Robb, Helen Elizabeth Norwood, Fritz E McClanahan, Jeanne A Boucher
Vol. 36 / No. 3 / Fall
- Eisenhower Wedding Re-Enactment
- Could Buchanan have stopped the Civil War?
- Alumni Photos
- Obits: Virginia Tuttle, Richard Shellhorn, James McClanahan, Naomi Ruth Chiles
Vol. 36 / No. 4 / Winter
- Territorial Governor Samuel Medary, Lincoln’s Lecompton Host?
- Lecompton’s Veterans Monument
- Obits: Dorothy Kramer, Harold “Zeke” Johanning, Hubert H Hall, Audrey Pearl Maust, Doris Belden, Thomas Amyx, Harold Wayne Chiles, Dorothy Orach.
Vol. 35 / No. 2 / Summer
- Publication of Cemeteries & Known Burials by Spencer and Middleton
- James Eagle headstone in Big Springs Eastview Cemetery
- Maple Grove Cemetery, St. Peter’s Cemetery, Stull Cemetery
- 1942 Topeka Capital Reprint on moving the Lecompton Cemetery of 1854
- Obits: Emmett A Casey, L Madalyn Scott, Louise L Glenn-Faulker, Everett M O’Conner.
Vol. 35 / No. 1 / Spring
- Football Teams
- John Brown’s Last Letter
- Obits: Charles William Geelan, Marian Lorraine Hyatt, Therwin Glenn Griffith, Verne R Hall, Leland Frederick Hartman, Elizabeth “Betty” Day Jefferson, Elizabeth M Groh, Marcella G Anderson, Mary Louise French, Norbert Dale “Swede” Herschell, Jessie Marie Cassidy Branson, Margaret Alice Cole, Margery Ruth Plum, Robert W Golladay.
Vol. 35 / No. 3 / Fall
- Lecompton’s Cemetery Book
- Bald Eagle Rendezvous
- Obits: Merle C Bartlett, Marian Irene Carr, Elaine B Daniels, LaVern McClanahan Conklin, Irene V Hoffsommer, Mary Lee Holzmeister
Vol. 35 / No. 4 / Winter
- Abraham Lincoln Slept Here?
- Obits: Leon F Condley, Bertie Lee Morris.
Vol. 34 / No. 3 / Fall
- Dorothy Shaner
- One-Room Mound School
- The Lecompton Quilt
- Obits: Charles R Worley, Dorris Annie Norwood
Vol. 34 / No. 1 / Spring
- Chester Arthur, US President 1881-1885, Visits Lecompton in 1857
- Photos of HWY 40
- Obits: Glendon Harris, Naomi H Nelson, Clarence E Daniels, Laura M Petrie, Susie B Reynolds Richardson, Emma Anna Toddhunter, Elmer Fred Smith,
Vol. 34 / No. 2 / Summer
- Harvest Home Picnic, predecessor of Territorial Day celebration
- Kansas Territorial Constitution Convention
- Obits: Alice Clare Wright, C Robert Dennon, Bob J Wood, J Frank Spencer, Marie K Neill, Merton William Kent
Vol. 34 / No. 4 / Winter
- How Kansas Inspired Lincoln
- The Lecompton Constitution and the Lincoln Douglas Debate
- Obits: Helen Josephine Hildenbrand, Hazel Ione Paslay, Osborne Webster
Vol. 33 / No. 1 / Spring
- Lecompton Constitution Back in Lecompton!
- Lecompton Reenactors
- Obits: Alice Lee Blake, Harriet “Betty” Johnson Wallace.
Vol. 33 / No. 2 / Summer
- Lane University Sesquicentennial Display Features Col. Titus’ Sword
- Artist Ellen Duncan
- Constitution Hall: 8th Wonder of Kansas
- Obits: Jerry Wagner Schmitt, Elizabeth R “Betty” Spencer, Danny Rothwell Brune, Nancy Marie Foster, Robert M Brooks, Faye S Robuck Ayers.
Vol. 33 / No. 3 / Fall
- Constitution Hall
- 24 Wonders of Kansas
- Obits: Susie L McGiffert, R. M. Bob McGiffert, Clare J Colman, Mae Jean Graves, Edith Louise Norman Stevenson.
Vol. 33 / No. 4 / Winter
- Constitution Hall 8th Wonder of Kansas
- Bleeding Kansas Lecture Series 2008
- The Lecompton Reenactors
- Obits: S. Mae Holderman, Hortense “Tensie” Cassady Oldfather, John J Conard Sr., Aurelia Istas, Alvin “Pat” Istas.
Vol. 32 / No. 1 / Spring
- Lecompton’s War Hero Major Charles Hetrick
- 2006 Bleeding Kansas Lecture Series
- Obits: Paul Kendal Hoffsommer, Norma Jan Winburn, Wayne Edward Corbin, Wesley McFarland Norwood, Evelyn Chrystine Goodrich, Helen G Jeffries Wilt Kampschroeder, Leonard Lee Smith, Harry Buchheim, Alfre Yost,
Vol. 32 / No. 2 / Summer
- Lecompton’s Sesquicentennial
- Spencer Farm History
- Ft. Titus Replica
- Obits: William H Faust, Bessie Irene Harris, Arthur Max Steinman, Dr. Richard J Brown, George W Champney Sr.
Vol. 32 / No. 3 / Fall
- The Churches of Big Springs
- Constitution Hall Rededicated After 150 Years
- Obits: Owen Bogner, Mildred Penny, Ruth June Reed, Robert R Steinmetz
Vol. 32 / No. 4 / Winter
Vol. 31 / No. 1 / Spring
- Camp Sackett threated by possible rock quarry
- 1856 Frank Leslie reprint about Camp Sackett
- Excerpts from Sara Robinson’s Book
- Obits: Lucille Marjorie Morris, Teresa Anderson Griffin, Harold V Leslie, Dean Eldwin Wilson, Arthur E Newell, Helen Louise Henry, Robert G “Jerome” Holzmeister
Vol. 31 / No. 2 / Summer
- Camp Sackett Saved
- Helen Hildenbrand stories of old time Lecompton
- Obits: Donald Owen Baughman, Irma Kellogg Adams Wallace, Arlene M Johnson, Betty Jean Rogers, Clarence David Boose, Donald D “Bud” Rake, Nadine Pearl Brooke
Vol. 31 / No. 3 / Fall
- 150th Anniversary of Lecompton’s designation as Territorial Capital
- Kansas Territorial Capitol Ground Breaking Speech by Gov. Shannon
- Marie Paslay Neill Remembers
- Obits: Betty Jean Shutts, Merle C Barytlet, Fern Wheatley, Maud H Spencer, Wilma Eva Shipers
Vol. 31 / No. 4 / Winter
- Bald Eagle Rendezvous
- Helen Norwood and Edyth Stevenson Histories
- Obits: Bernard E Nordling, Robert Charles Kollin
Vol. 30 / No. 1 / Spring
- The Politics of 1854 and the Commemoration of 2004
- Bleeding Kansas, Contested Liberty in the Civil War Era by Nicole Etcheson
- Blanton’s Crossing and the Wakarusa War
- Obits: Margaret Lucile Thompson, Oneta Helen Brown, Elizabeth Sanders, Anna Louise Hoffsommer, Francis Fredrick Kennedy, Neil H Higginbotham, Albert Preston Cole, Jack Collins
Vol. 30 / No. 2 / Summer
- Travel Magazines Discover Lecompton’s Historic Attractions
- Fresh Look at the Lecompton Historical Society’s Gieseman Map Collection
- Obits: Alice Lee Lewis, LeVona “Jackie Grace” Morey, Phyllis Helene Martin, Mae M Norwood, Warene Gibbens, Glenn L Kappelman, Freda B Spencer
Vol. 30 / No. 3 / Fall
- Absolum Winter, Early Lecompton Pioneer and his lineage
- Charlene and A.K. Winter
- Restoration of Democratic Headquarters
- Obits: Janice R Roberts, Wilma Young, Charles Calvin Conklin, Carol L Scheve, Pearl Estella Wolfe.
Vol. 30 / No. 4 / Winter
- School House Burns, reprint from Lecompton Sun 1919.
- Old grade school remembered.
- Bleeding Kansas Series 2005 Announced
- Bald Eagle Rendezvous photos
- Obits: Ronald R Robb, Harold L Crady, Ester Bahnmaier Matney, Robert Henry Walter.
Vol. 29 / No. 2 / Summer
- Radical United Brethren Church
- Aristide Rodrigue, Lecompton’s First City Father and First Physician
- Obits: Bera Jean Bylaska, Claudette Mary Oldham, Arthur LaDuke, Vivian G Clough, Louise Clark Shiffer, Betty Jean Woodman.
Vol. 29 / No. 3 / Fall
- Douglas County County School District No. 24; AKA Dog Holler School and Greenwood Valley School
- Obits: Philip Wizer, Albert E McRae, C W “Bud” Kellum, Richard L “Gus” Hildrenbrand, Joyce Leome Dexter.
Vol. 29 / No. 4 / Winter
- Christmas Vespers
- A Southerner’s Viewpoint of the Kansas Situation, 1856 – 1857, The Letters of Lt. Col. A.J. Hoole, Confederate States of America.
- Tim Rues
- Obits: Esther Grace Zart, H F “Fred” Middleton, Bruce Hoad, Robert L Wulfkuhle, Carl Thomas Kuker, John C Inloes, John Thomas Wesley Price, Donald K Matney, Ella Marie Souders, Mary M Powell, James Wilbur James Sr.
Vol. 29 / No. 1 / Spring
- Lecompton Doctors
- Jr/Sr banquet 1953-1954
- Obituaries: Esther Ivene Spencer, Alice Lucindia Spencer, Robert G. Billings
Vol. 28 / No. 1 / Spring
- William R Smith: Lecomptonite Makes Good
- Historical War Map of 1862
- Obits: Elizabeth Katie Dunn, George Edwin Person, Meta Clarkson, Robert William Gray, Billie Darlene Inloes, Marguerite Bowman, Annette Leach, Lavina R Hanna.
Vol. 28 / No. 2 / Summer
- Lecompton History and Importance
- Obits: Myrtle Evelyn Strhan, Marjorie J Daniels, Margaret Mitzi DiPietra, Myrtle E Stember.
Vol. 28 / No. 3 / Fall
- Yarnold School District #40
- Obits: A. Lowell Geelan, Dr. Jack Bronson, Opal Godfrey Matney Hall, Alice J Hoad, Donald Emery, Jr., George D Fowler.
Vol. 28 / No. 4 / Winter
- Museum Annual Report
- 1858 New York Times front page stories on Lecompton
- Obits: Louis F Traxler, Earl Williams Hoage, Joseph Henry Hoage, A. Duane Robison, Erma M Kollin, Juanita B Strait, Geraldine M Harrell, Maybelle S “Duggie Hall, Doris H Matney.
Vol. 27 / No. 1 / Spring
- Lecompton Townlots
- Kansas History
- Obits: Norma R Nesmith Bee, Carolyn M Helmer, Howard N McKenzie, Gilbert Alfred Bates, Myron A Powell
Vol. 27 / No. 2 / Summer
- Building the Lecompton Territorial Capital
- Obits: Elmer E “Red” Goodrich, George Ellis Smith, Archie Dale Foree, Ruth Edith Harris, Neta Ione Wilson, Mildred Oneita Higginbotham, William S Wingfield, Ivan F Glenn, Charley A Paslay
Vol. 27 / No. 3 / Fall
- Honest Story of the Lecompton Convention and Delegates
- Korean War, 50th Anniversary Commemoration
- Dr. John A read (1834 – 1918)
- Obits: Harry William McCall, Agnes Rogers Keller, Olin K Petefish, Homer Wright McClanahan, Ruth O Gowing, Oscar Gowing, Maisie H George, Ruth H Rudin, Dorothy Vera Beatty, Irene Sperry, John H Vogel, Merle Stover, Glen Harvey Pierce
Vol. 27 / No. 4 / Winter
- Visitors to Museum include all 50 states and 18 foreign countries
- Kansas Supreme Court Justices tour Lecompton
- Lecompton History and Growth
- Obits: R Russell Allbaugh, H Leonard Williams, Bessie Schwanke, Helen J Cady, Darlene R Becker, Susan Cheryly Reynolds Everman.
Vol. 26 / No. 1 / Spring
- Big Springs Militia in Battle at Big Blue
- Frank Spencer family
- Obits: Roy Tarr, Nellie Glenn, Lewis A Goodrick, Margaret V Noe, Rev. Lybran Endsley, Eunice Mellinkoff, Elda Gregg Dietrich, Dale LeRoy Glenn.
Vol. 26 / No. 2 / Summer
- Big Springs Livestock & Agricultural Fair
- Obits: William Brass, Ruth Reid, Rosamond Barland, Margaret Jasperson.
Vol. 26 / No. 3 / Fall
- McClanahan Log Cabin
- Norwood Family History
- Obits: Irene Elaine Gentry, Betty Lou Kennedy, William J Boydston, Dorothy E Kent.
Vol. 26 / No. 4 / Winter
- Lecompton: Civil War Birthplace.
- Troups Stationed at Lecompton During Territorial Period
- Otto Durow
Vol. 25 / No. 1 / Spring
- Birthplace of the Civil War, Lecompton Kansas
- Prelude to Civil War
- Obits: Francis N Anderson, Henry E Brown, Roy R Harding, Henry W Carr, Wilma Berniece Tibbs, David E Hubbel, Ralph F Davis.
Vol. 25 / No. 2 / Summer
- Barker School District #20.
- Rev. Francis Barker. Missionary to the Shawnee Indians.
- Obits: Thelma Hemme, Charley Harold Nichols, Russell Wilfred Milliken, Margery Day Hanson, James Albert Grant, Marie Confer, Roberta M Kent, Edwin Linquist Sr., Helen Chappell, Ida Mae Hall.
Vol. 25 / No. 3 / Fall
- Surveyor General’s Office
- Calhoun Candlebox
- Charlie Torrey, Land Office Clerk, may have hastened outbreak of the Civil War.
- McRae Family History
- Obits: Mary McRae Rogers, Clifford Hartmen, James Glenn Butler, Sr., John Wm. Brodhag, Robert E Fisher, Byron L Jones, Dale E Babbitt, Betty Jean Sale, Sara Walter, Mary Alice Johanning.
Vol. 25 / No. 4 / Winter
- Winter School District #70
Vol. 24 / No. 1 / Spring
- Deer Creek School District #48.
- Obits: Jack Howard West, Tsuneo “Taj” Tajima, Darrell D Pearce, David William Paslay, Irene Sanford, Homer W Wulfkuhle, Agnes, Loysen, Charles E Grady, E Nadine Goodrich.
Vol. 24 / No. 2 / Summer
- Lecompton Methodist Church
- Obits: Helen C Spangler, Sybil M Schroyer, Edith Elizabeth LaDuke
Vol. 24 / No. 4 / Winter
- The Democratic Headquarters by Tim Rues
- Obits: Cecile M Roberts, Ethel Marie Hill
Vol. 24 / No. 3 / Fall
- Big Springs School District #72
- Obits: Huldah Erhart, Ruby Ruth Malott, Oma Louise Kauffman, John Albert Baldwin Jr., Marie Elizabeth Traxler, Carolyn Grace Starkey.
Vol. 23 / No. 1 / Spring
- Lewis – Crowder Lakeview Cemetary
- Stony Lonesome – Crowder School
- Obits: Mabel W Wendel, Sarah I. Engle, Robert Dale
Vol. 23 / No. 2 / Summer
- Jones School District 73
- Lecompton Coal Mine
- Obits: Bessie May Cranwell, Elmira “Grace” Hatcher, Willis R Bowlin, Ella S Stanwix, R Warren Rhodes, Nellie Maude Brown, Faye Luella Glenn.
Vol. 23 / No. 3 / Fall
- The Lonesome Cowboy, Roy Faulkner.
- 1951 letter from Fred O Bartlett to George L McCarty
- Obits: Helen J Humphrey, William A Anderson, Ralph F Hildenbrand, Marlin E Hohberg.
Vol. 23 / No. 4 / Winter
- Lecompton Territorial Flag
- Glenn School District #33
- Obits: Ruth L Cole, Mary Eloise Magnuson, Elizabeth M Bradfield, George A Steele, Orlin M Milliken, Bruce Beresford.
Vol. 22 / No. 1 / Spring
- Ely Moore, Judge Rush Elmore and James Ewell Brown (Jeb) Stuart
- Obits: Lydia Jane Long, Sophia Evans, Charles D Stough Jr., Philip E Hodson, Allvin E Wilson, Eugene Wolken, Walter H McClanahan, Vesta Bahnmaier Wymer, Charles J Sulzen, Martha Ruth Harshberger.
Vol. 22 / No. 2 / Summer
- The Story of Lecompton by Ely Moore, Jr.
- Obits: George F Gantz, Le Vona Carter, Dena F Heinz, Roberta M French, Jessie B Rake, Mary E Green, A Ruth McClanahan
Vol. 22 / No. 3 / Fall
- The Lecompton Story by Ely Moore, Jr.
- Obits: Geraldine “Jeri” Skinner, Minnie M McAfee, Maurine Foster, Vernon G Hayes, Virgel L Wilson.
Vol. 22 / No. 4 / Winter
- Lecompton Interchange celebration
- Constitution Hall history
- Class of 1938
- Obits: Margaret Bahnmaier Dark, John E Harrell.
Vol. 21 / No. 1 / Spring
- Starr Young: Rural School Near Lecompton
- Obits: Phoebe Orlena Rogers, Clarence Transmeier, Zolla Jane Tietjens, Charles Floyd Anderson, Wilma Gibbens Williams.
Vol. 21 / No. 2 / Summer
- Lecompton State Bank History
- Klaus Family History
- Obits: Lloyd M Talley, Frances “Peggy” Beryl Moore, Minnie Sutton, Rev. Charles E Scott, Stephen L Jewett, Daisy E Wingfield, Olivette Jane Wulfkuhle
Vol. 21 / No. 3 / Fall
- Constitution Hall Dedicated – National Landmark and Kansas Historical Site
- The Lecompton Constitution
- Obits: Irene S Vogel, Margaret Ewing Robards, Duane D Chiles, Allie Elder Banks.
Vol. 21 / No. 4 / Winter
- Lane University: The Rise and Fall of an antebellum College in Lecompton, Kansas by DeAnn Gerdes Steinle
- Obits: Laverne Wilson.
Vol. 20 / No. 1 / Spring
- The Lecompton Post Office
- David Thomas and Amanda Melvina Garrett Mitchell family
- Obits: Vernon Douglas Spencer, Melvin C Maness, Stanly Eugene French, Dwight C Atkinson
Vol. 20 / No. 2 / Summer
- Charles and Sara Robinson, First Governor of Kansas
- Julia M Springer, Edwin Peter Hildenbrand, Fred LePort, Spangler, Alice Carr Clark, Grace Brasher, Wilma Scott Morris, Harry M “Bud” Dark
Vol. 20 / No. 3 / Fall
- Victory Highway
- Obits: Clyde Anno, Raymond Thomas Nichols, Amos G Geelan, Mary H Anderson, Grace Elizabeth Blake Hiebert, Helen M Gulley, Frank C Cozad, Ann Lasswell
Vol. 20 / No. 4 / Winter
- The Rowena Hotel
- Obits: Thurman S Pete Edmonds, Una Elizabeth Krieder, Inis Faye Liles, Waneta Jean Willits, Hazelle T Dyer.
Vol. 19 / No. 1 / Spring
- The Lecompton Perry Bridge
- Excerpts from early day newspapers
- Obits: Garner E Groh, Richard Ewing Hanson, Fay M Morris
Vol. 19 / No. 2 / Summer
- Kanwaka Early History and Settlers
- History of Kanwaka School
- Obits: Esther Bigsby, Grace P Boose, Vivian Crady
Vol. 19 / No. 3 / Fall
- Big Springs Kansas History
- Obits: David V Noe, Benneson H Bisel, Corina F Vausbinder, Lee Winter Gress, JD McCall
Vol. 19 / No. 4 / Winter
- The Santa Fe Railroad and Lecompton
- Santa Fe Agent John Milliard Taylor
- Obits: Pauline L Windell, Christeen F Wiksten, Margaret Hudson, Joe Deane Christy, Ralph William “Tony” St. Clair, Eugene Thomas Van Vranken
Vol. 18 / No. 1 / Spring
- Lecompton City Sidewalks
- The Ed Harris Family
- Obits: Elizabeth Bahnmaier, Lavina Bates Chegwyn, William H Penny, Ruth Thomas
Vol. 18 / No. 2 / Summer
- Lecompton History prior to the Fire of 1916 by Faye Todhunter Glenn
- David and Mary Martin, son George Martin
- Obits: Cloyd Lee Dreyer, Cecil L Lasswell, Harold Glenn Jasperson
Vol. 18 / No. 3 / Fall
- 1903 Flood at Lecompton
- Obits: Phillip H Lewis, Jane E Shehi Barr, Clyde H Kampschroeder, Dr. Richard O Nelson, Mabel V Briggs, Joe Garcia, Dale T Bartlett, Geneva Minitier, Lawrence Heeb, Cloyd Lee Dreyer, Juanita E Guffey, Robert M Norwood.
Vol. 18 / No. 4 / Winter
- The Lecompton High School
- Obits: Helen Geraldine Collins, Vada M Fordice
Vol. 17 / No. 1 / Spring
- ‘Ameria in 1857, A Nation on the Brink” by Kenneth M Stampp
- Kansas Territory: 1857
- Morris Family History
- Obits: Louis W Crady, Theodore J Hall, Laura T Endacott, Curtis Hill Sehon, Dorothy Florence Bennett, Raymond Hoffsommer
Vol. 17 / No. 2 / Summer
- The Isaac Shirley Family
- Lake View Kansas
- Obits: Denzel Gibbens, Rachel M Larson, Ann L Alderman, Leona Brunkow, Thomas Lee Brooke, Frank Millard Taylor, Melvin D Confer
Vol. 17 / No. 3 / Fall
- Colonel Samuel Walker
- Obits: Forrest J Springer, Wilford Graham Chiles, Emma Evangeline Page, Fred L Cooper, Opal F Rake
Vol. 17 / No. 4 / Winter
- History of Lecompton Churches
- Obits: Hazel Bertschinger McClanahan, Denna L Shirar
Vol. 16 / No. 1 / Spring
- History of Stull Kansas
- Obits: Joe Foley, Evelyn M Sheldon, J Russell Migliario, Barbara Michal, Elmer J Petesch, Dorothy L Kapp
Vol. 16 / No. 2 / Summer
- Rising Sun, Kansas Territory, 1857
- Obits: James G Clarke, Thelma L Baldwin, Dotty Traxler, Wilbur M Hildenbrand
Vol. 16 / No. 3 / Fall
- Sheriff Samuel Jones
- Obits: Anne Greene Keller, Garnet “Sonny” Dickson, John W McAlexander Jr
Vol. 16 / No. 4 / Winter
- Constitution Hall History and Restoration
- The Lecompton Union Newspaper 1856
- Obits: Ronald E Jones, Mary Agnes Wolken, Katherine F Gardner, Oliver Harold Wingfield
Vol. 15 / No. 1 / Spring
- 1857 Tour of Kansas Territory by James. I. Hindman
- Obits: Candace S. Sehon, Henry A Bubb, Inez Augusta Chiles, Hazel Ann Wingfield McLaughlin
Vol. 15 / No. 2 / Summer
- Doll History and Collection
- Obits: Kenneth Matney, Ruth Davidson, Dorothy May Foley, Christine J Kraft, Dolph Simons Sr.
Vol. 15 / No. 4 / Winter
- Dwight Eisenhower’s Parents
- High School Alumni as of 1924
- Lecompton High School Seniors of 1932
- Obits: Irene Hoffsommer, Dorothy A Baughmon
Vol. 14 / No. 1 / Spring
- Kansas Territorial Governors
- Blue Lodges (Sons of the South) and Kansas Regulators
- Obits: Ibba J Stauffer, Helen Sehon Pollom, Bernice Mitchell Wagner
Vol. 14 / No. 2 / Summer
- Territorial Governors, Part II
Vol. 14 / No. 3 / Fall
- Lecompton Lodge No. 13 A.F. & A.M.
- Obits: George Ray Norwood, W. Jarvis Brink, Beverly Jo Virtue
Vol. 14 / No. 4 / Winter
- Stanton Mansion
- Obits: Dr. Ray Gieseman, Frederick R McClanahan, Madge H Rothberger
Vol. 13 / No. 1 / Spring
- Jakob Walter, Lecompton Descendants
- 1st temperance meeting, 1856
- Early Lecompton Churches
- Obits: Herman Banks, Maurine F Roy, Romans C Dekat
Vol. 13 / No. 2 / Summer
- Albert R Green : early settler
- Rowena Hotel
- Obits: Pearl L Faust, Rosa Liberty Hildenbrand, Mabel Glenn, Eula Clegg McCall, Dr. J. Darryl McCall Jr.
Vol. 13 / No. 3 / Fall
- Elmore St
- City Laws of 1895
- Obits: Wilma A Fleming, Helen M Hoots, Ruby Grammer,William Chester Lewellen
Vol. 13 / No. 4 / Winter
- Business owners in early Lecompton
- Hill family, early settlers
Vol. 12 / No. 1 / Spring
- William Hoad story, Part II
- Bob Steinmetz, Lecompton stories
- Obits: Mary A Teegarden, Phillip L McClanahan, Ila B Webster
Vol. 12 / No. 3 / Fall
- Hotels of Lecompton: 1855 – 1861
- Obits: Alice O’Donnell, Harold M, Foree, Ross Cole, Myra S Keeler, Bertha Esther Rake
Vol. 11 / No. 1 / Spring
- Geary and the Governor’s Mansion
- Obits: George Marvin Everett
Vol. 11 / No. 2 / Summer
- Gov. Geary and William Sherrard
- Glenn family history
- Obits: Eldred G Day, Harriet V Lowe, Grace Dedrick
Vol. 11 / No. 3 / Fall
- Henry Hiatt, Kansas Pioneer
- Thomas Garcia, Sr., 1922
- Obits: Howard R Harshberger, Jeanne Winter Brass
Vol. 11 / No. 4 / Winter
- Recollections of a Kansas Town by William C Hoad
- Obits: Mary N Lasswell, Earl M Goodrich, Virginia Lee Confer
Vol. 10 / No. 1 / Spring
- Churches of Big Springs Kansas 1856 – 1859
- Obituaries: Louis E. Lasswell, Doren Glenn Herschell, Gladys V Holloway, Goldie F McCall
Vol. 10 / No. 2 / Summer
- Lecompton Ferries and William R Simmons
- Obits: Laura E Taylor, Lucy M Large
Vol. 10 / No. 3 / Fall
- Chester A. Arthur’s Visit to Lecompton in 1857
- Obits: Helen E Oberhelman, Louise Meierhoff, Walter Brown Stauffer
Vol. 10 / No. 4 / Winter
- The Todhunter Family: Early Settlers
- Obits: Calvin Junior Maust, Starr Glenn
Vol. 9 / No. 1 / Spring
- Slaves in Lecompton
- Camp Sackett
Vol. 9 / No. 2 / Summer
- July 4th celebrations of 1858, 1880, 1885. 1928
- Alexander Glenn/Elizabeth Zinn wedding
- 50th Anniversary of Mr./Mrs. Moses McCall
- Glenn School District
Vol. 9 / No. 3 / Fall
- Battle of Ft. Titus: Eye Witness Account
Vol. 9 / No. 4 / Winter
- Letters of Col. Axalla John Hoole, South Carolina
- Obituaries of Raymond Ice, Robert Crawford, Albert Leslie Shaner, Karl Kreider
Vol. 8 / No. 1 / Spring
- Inside View of LowerPrison Room at Lecompton 1850
- Judge Samuel Dexter Lecompte
- The Preacher who Married Ike’s Parents: E.B. Slade
Vol. 8 / No. 2 / Summer
- Lane University’s Early History
- James Henry Lane
Vol. 8 / No. 3 / Fall
- David Eisenhower Dedicates Lane University
- Solomon Weaver, Lane University’s First President
Vol. 8 / No. 2 / Winter
- Christmas Remembrances 1888-1929
- Edna Bahnmaier
Vol. 7 / No. 2 / Summer
- Living History of the US Cavalry
- Ely Moore, early settler
Vol. 7 / No. 3 / Fall
- History of Constitution Hall
- William McDowell Nace
Vol. 7 / No. 4 / Winter
- Battle of Ft. Titus
- Col. Henry T. Titus
Vol. 6 / No. 1 / Spring
- Restoration Updates
- McCarty family history
Vol. 6 / No. 2 / Spring
- Site of first Kansas Governor’s mansion
- Denver, Kansas Territory
- Obit: Alexander W Glenn
Vol. 7 / No. 1 / Spring
- Early Settler George Zinn 1854
- 1857 Lecompton Constitution influences Lincoln’s 1860 election
Vol. 5 / No. 1 & 2 / Spring & Summer
- Lane University Restoration
- Bessie Hundley’s Strawberry Bread recipe
- German Visitors
- Thomas and Hanora Anderson
Vol. 5 / No. 4 / Winter
- Charter of Lane Univ. published in the Lecompton Sun in 1891
Vol. 4 / No. 1 / Spring
- Misc.
Vol. 4 / No. 2 / Summer
- Larry Winn, Jr.
Vol. 4 / No. 3 / Fall
- Misc.
Vol. 4 / No. 4 / Winter
- Misc.
Vol. 3 / No. 1 & 2 / June & May
- Elmore Street photo
- Building Updates
Vol. 3 / No. 3 / September
- Restoration of Lane University 1976
Vol. 3 / No. 4 / Decemeber
- Misc
Vol. 2 / No. 1 / March
- Lane University Restoration
- Lane University Historical Facts
- Early Lecompton History
Vol. 2 / No. 2 / June
- Early Days in Lecompton by Fred Baetlett
Vol. 2 / No. 3 / September
- Misc. current events
Vol. 2 / No. 4 / December
- Lecompton Sun Articles from 1891 and 1892
Vol. 1 / No. 3 / May
- Progress on Lane Restoration Being Made
- Early Abstract History
Vol. 1 / No. 4 / December
- The McCall Family 1855
Vol. 1 / No. 1 / May
- Welcome to the first issue of “The Bald Eagle”
- George Washington Brown: Early Settler
Vol. 1 / No. 2 / September
- New Interest Being Shown in Lecompton and its History…
- Old Constitution Hall
- Our Early Settlers; Dr. Johiel Bonebrake