Bob Dark, Lecompton graduate of 1951, was the captain of the 1950-1951 basketball team that went 16 and 3. His letter sweater is now hanging on the wall of the Lecompton Hall of Fame at the Territorial Capital Museum. He played that year with Ruben Lopez, Paul Packer, Jerry Workman, Richard Workman, and Kenneth Kibbee. They were coached by Bill Nelson.

1951 Basketball team, page from yearbook

Letter sweaters of Bob Dark, left, and Robert Dulin, Jr., right. Plus Dulin’s high school basketball sneakers!
Other members of the class of 1951 were Bernice Schriner, Ruth Rothwell, Cletus Lehman, Scott Hagen, Erma Hout, Leah Mae Bahnmaier, and Oscar Hatch. Bob Dark is now retired and spends his winters in Texas.

1959 Basketball team, page from yearbook
Robert Dulin, Jr., Lecompton graduate of 1959, recently donated his letter sweater and the Converse high-tops he wore during the 1958-59 basketball season. He played that year with J. H. Vestal, Gail Kasson, Paul Workman, Wayne Kellum (’60), Ed Turner, Sonny Folley, Larry Hughes, and David Foster. Coaches were Bill Nelson and Eldon Mrstik. Reverend Bob Dulin is now retired and living in Michigan. He comes back to the museum occasionally when he’s visiting his brother, Bill, in Lawrence.
The other members of the class of 1959 were Madonna Bair, Larry Baugher, Elizabeth Curran, Karan Fish, Robert Glenn, Roberta Holloway, Wendell Kasson, Jeanie Kent, Joan Lobb, Mary Jo Matney, Joseph Raybern, Agatha Robuck, Robert Shaner, Ruby Smith, Larry Baugher.
The Territorial Capital Museum has a fantastic collection of Lecompton High history. We’ve got class pictures, trophies, sports memorabilia, cheerleader uniforms, tiaras from homecoming queens, and many jackets/sweaters/shirts in the cases and hanging on the walls. Other jackets on the walls belong to Marv Kellum (’70), Charles Haas (’66), J.H. Vestal (’59), and Stanley Simmons (’67).